Last night I sat down with Chris Crouch, one of the Imperial Court of New York's jewelers (he produces things under the MOANS label, so perhaps the headline is still right!) to talk about the new jewelry for my coronation walk. As generous as he is creative, Chris and I talked about size, color, scale, impact from the audience point of view. I brought him photos of jewelry that I admired, talked about what aspects of the pieces stood out to me, and whether it was a matter of quality or size that appealed to me.
Wow. Shopping for jewelry IS like sex!
In any case, we're on track to make some jewelry that's going to be beautiful, elegant and of a shade and color not seen on a Empress at Coronation in quite some time...I'm very pleased with where that conversation went, and excited to see how it goes. The next step is to bring the whole team into the same conversation so that gown, hair and jewelry are all working at the same purpose. (Have I mentioned how much I love the designers I work with? Alex Bartlett for Planet Pepper is making the gown; Izzy Decauwert is on hair, and with Chris on jewelry, I know I'm in amazing hands.
But that's sort of what the first time should be like, shouldn't it? Exciting and new, and yet with a sense of safety and comfort and a feelign that no one is going to treat you badly or do wrong by you.
That's sort of the way that I'm feeling right now about a lot of the preparations: the people that are surrounding me are amazing, I've got amazing friends ready to help at a moment's notice, an amazing Imperial Crown Prince Royal in Ritz Kraka. I'm looking forward to my Imperial Wedding Night with all of the joy and bliss of someone who knows she's had years to plan, all the excitement of someone going at it for the first time, and all of the inherent nervousness that the responsibility brings.
But it's all good, and I'm enjoying each moment along the way, savoring it, because there's only one first time to discuss your coronation jewelry.